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Enchanting Scents Designs Rep Application:
Welcome to Enchanting Scents Designs we are a company looking for new reps. And this app is Governed by the laws of the State of Louisiana and shall become binding once approved and signed by the President of Enchanting Scents Designs:

Full Name:

Email Address:

Physical Address:

City, State, and Zipcode:

Main Phone Number:

Cellphone Number:

Evening Phone Number:

Date of Birth:


You must initial each of the statements below to indicate your agreement.
Initial 1. I understand that as a Representative I am not an employee franchise holder or legal representative for Enchanting Scents Designs I understand that I shall be working as a self-employed independent contractor As an independent contractor I am responsible for filing all necessary federal state and local taxes as may be applicable to any earnings bonuses and prizes received from ESD In particular I will not be treated as an employee with respect to any services for federal and state purposes I also understand that any State Unemployment or Workers Compensation Act does not cover me.

Initial 2. As an Independent ESD Representative I agree to present ESD products in a truthful sincere honest and business-like manner and to conduct myself in a manner that will reflect the highest standards of integrity and responsibility in keeping with the reputation of ESD..

Initial 3. I am aware that I shall not be considered active and eligible to earn commission until the company accepts my signed agreement and place one retail order I am aware that ESD may revise these requirements with 30 days written notice.

Initial 4. This Agreement incorporates by reference Enchanting Scents designs Independent Representative Policy and Training Manual and any updates thereto I understand that any violation of the terms of this Agreement or any false information that I provide may result in immediate cancellation of this Agreement and termination of my status as an independent distributor at the sole discretion of Enchanting Scents Designs the Company.

Initial 5. I understand it is mandatory to remain in contact with my team leader on a regular bases.

Initial 6. I understand Failure to submit at least one order any size once a month will deem me inactive for that month and revoke my right to collect any sales bonuses including downline sales commissions.

This application will not be processed until we have received your $15.00 application fee. You may pay this fee by sending $15.00 to through PayPal. Go to If you don't have a PayPal account already you will need to set one up to make the payment. PayPal accounts are FREE and you will need one when ordering.